Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I've done some really cool things in my life--- traveled to Thailand for a cooking tour with master chef Tommy Tang ; taught Leonardo Di Caprio how to spit really, really far; out-ran the papparazzi with Sean Penn. But NOTHING prepared me for the thrill of making an audience laugh so hard I could hear them panting for breath. As a lover of TED talks, I was thrilled to be asked by Megan Leigh at Lalita Healing Collective in Chichester NY to be part of a TEDx talk, which is a regional TED talk. (For those who don't know, TED TALKS are under 18 minute talks by all kinds of people, and carry the tagline IDEAS WORTH SPREADING. Check them out.) Now all I dream about is being a stand up comedian!

Here's a youtube link to my talk, the power of words

3 comments: said...

So funny. I love your delivery.

Jennifer said...

Hello, Ms. Frankel,

Just a quick note to say thank you for sharing such a wonderful talk. I just discovered it on YouTube. It made me laugh. And I shared it with my Facebook friends. Looking forward to reading your memoir.

Best and peace,
Jennifer Watson

Claire said...

Oh, Martha, you've always made me laugh so hard that I gasp for breath.

From your first Details articles, I have loved the fact that I can hear your voice so clearly in your writing, especially when I'm missing out on seeing you in person. What a gift this YouTube of your Ted Talk is—your delivery is everything.

While I'm still not over the previous poster calling you Ms. Frankel, I am looking forward to the new memoir (and the semi-pornographic novel . . . ).

Love to Stevie and much to you!